Welcome, I’m Beejal,

After living with IBS for many years, experiencing a nervous breakdown and being diagnosed with Anxiety and Hypothyroid I have been able to be liberated from the understanding of the root causes and be reprogrammed to live life without compromise as a result of training in and experiencing Rapid Transformational Therapy. I am a highly experienced with an astounding track record of successes.

My curiosity to want to live an extraordinary life led me to creating and founding Quantum Life Technique. I discovered my highest potentials and aligned to them and shared the process with my clients who were able to fast track their futures.

Work with me and your life will be transformed and you will be empowered so you too can live the life you love.

Train with me to keep evolving, discovering and aligning to your highest potentials and help your clients fulfil their souls purpose

My mission is to guide and inspire those who are ready to change, be liberated from their past and empowered to truly step into their soul purpose to create a life they and co-create a life they love and co-create an awakening of human consciousness to raise the vibration of the planet


I have over 27 years of combined experience in business/psychology academia, marketing and personal development industry. Trainer and mentor to mindset coaches, hypnotherapists, therapists and healers worldwide. I am highly experienced, conscientious and committed to delivering profound life-transforming sessions.

Clinical Hypnotherapist / Advanced Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapist, having trained live with world-renowned Hypnotherapist Marisa Peer.

Creator and Founder of Quantum Life Technique™ and QLT Training Academy

Certified Positive Intelligence Coach trained by Shirzad Chamine

Certified Life Coach Mastercoach CEPC

International Diploma in Applied Sound Therapy from Association of Sound Therapy 

Certificate in Art Therapy from University of Hertfordshire

Four times international best selling Amazon author

MBA International Management, University of Exeter

BSc Management Science with Computing, University of Kent at Canterbury

Certificate in Higher Education, Middlesex University

Free Audio

Love, Peace & Light Meditation